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Conduct and Discipline:

a) All students shall be required to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the students of a national institution of high reputation, within and outside the premises of the College.

b) Unsocial activities like ragging in any form shall not be permitted within or outside the premises of the college and if the student found indulging in them would be dealt with severely and would be dismissed from the College.

c) The following additional acts of omission and/or commission by the students within or outside the premises of the college shall constitute gross violation of code of conduct, punishable as indiscipline:

· Lack of courtesy and decorum, as well as indecent behavior;

· Willful damage to the property of the College/Hostel or of fellow students;

· Possession/consumption/distribution of tobacco, alcoholic drinks and banned drugs in the campus;

· Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library material, like. Books;

· Noisy and unseemly behavior, disturbing peace in the College/Hostel;

· Hacking in computer systems, either hardware or software or both;

· Any other act considered by the College as mentioned as indiscipline.

d) In each case the punishment shall be based on the gravity of offence, consisting of reprimand, levy of fine,expulsion from Hostel, debarring from examination, rustication for a period to outright expulsion.

e) The reprimanding Authority for an offence committed by students in the Hostels and in the Department or the classroom shall be respectively the Rector of the Hostel and the Principal.

f) In all the cases of offence committed by the student in jurisdictions outside the purview of Clause (c),the Vice Principal shall be the Authority to reprimand them.

g) All major acts of indiscipline involving punishment other than mere reprimand, shall be considered and decided by the Chairman, Students Disciplinary Committee.

h) All other cases of indiscipline by the student, such as adoption of unfair means in the examinations shall be reported to the Vice Principal for taking the appropriate action and deciding on the punishment to be levied.

i) In all the cases of punishment levied on the students for any offence committed the aggrieved party shall have the right to appeal to the Principal, who shall constitute the appropriate Committees to review the case.


a) Each student shall be required to attend at least 75 per cent (of all the academic activities) lectures in the college.For tutorials, guest lectures, seminars, workshops, presentations, competitions,and other activities of the college also the attendance is must.

b) Extra-Curricular Activities (EAC): Students should also participate in activities that the college provides.

c) Students shall also be required to take part in other academic and non-academic activities and attend requisite camps, as and when arranged by the College during the academic year.

d) Students, desirous of leave of absence for less than two weeks during a semester, shall apply for it in advance to the class mentor (faculty) or Vice Principal giving reasons and providing supporting documents, if any and get it approved.

e) Absence, due to the illness or any other reason for a period of less than two weeks in a semester, for which a student could not make prior application may be condoned by the college authorities after the proper verification of students.

f) The Principal and Vice Principal shall be the authority for sanctioning the leave of students outside clauses (d)and (e) above, after receiving their applications along with recommendations of the Faculty Mentor.

g) In the case of long absence of a student in a semester with prior approval or otherwise, the Principal or Vice Principal shall decide whether the student should be asked to withdraw from the programme for that particular semester or not.

h) In all cases of leave of absence as per Clauses (d)-(f) above, the period of leave taken shall not be condoned for the purposes of fulfilling the attendance requirements stipulated in the Clauses (a) and (b).

i) It shall be the responsibility of a student residing in the hostel to inform Rector of the hostel and also to the concerned course instructor,regarding his/her absence before proceeding for the leave.

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